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SEAT Environmental Policy

As part of the world-leading group in the development, production, and distribution of motor vehicles, components, and mobility services (VW Group), SEAT is committed to becoming a leading provider of sustainable mobility and a role model in environmental protection.

We accept the challenges posed by climate change and commit to the United Nations goal set in the 2015 Paris Agreement. We are aware of and assume our global responsibility for the environment associated with the impact of our activities and products worldwide. To reduce our environmental impact, we utilize our innovation and development capabilities to address environmental challenges at all stages of the life cycle of our mobility offerings. Our mobility innovations should also help our customers reduce their environmental footprint while ensuring employment and business competitiveness.

Compliance is a core value of our company, certified through quality standards such as ISO 14.001, 14006, and 50.001, and placing special emphasis on environmental and energy management associated with our products and services throughout their life cycle. All aspects of energy policy are included in this environmental policy.

Guided by our "SEAT Environmental Mission Statement - Moving to ZER∅," we commit to the following principles:

1. Leadership

Our leaders, at all levels of the organization, are aware of the environmental risks associated with their business activities and accept their role as role models in environmental protection. They will demonstrate, through words and actions, their commitment to act in accordance with legal compliance obligations and voluntary commitments undertaken by the company. They are responsible for implementing this policy in their business areas and ensuring that all employees are informed, qualified, and accountable for their assigned competencies. Leaders, in their areas of responsibility, create a culture of "Speak without fear" and the appropriate framework in which employees, business partners, and other stakeholders can openly and without fear communicate environmentally sensitive issues. The SEAT Executive Committee will consider environmental leadership with the same weight as other business criteria in company decisions.

2. Compliance

We comply with legal and regulatory requirements, voluntary commitments made, company standards, and objectives. Our Environmental Compliance Management System (ECMS) ensures that environmental aspects and obligations in our business operations are identified and adequately considered. Improper environmental conduct and intentional non-compliance or fraud will be treated according to company guidelines as a violation of standards. Compliance with this Environmental Policy Statement and SEAT's environmental requirements will be assessed annually and reported to the SEAT Executive Committee.

3. Environmental Protection

We follow a life cycle approach to mitigate environmental risks and leverage environmental opportunities, such as integrating renewable energy sources, decarbonization, sustainable supply chains, and resource efficiency. We implement economically viable methods to reduce our environmental impact throughout the life cycle of our operations, products, and services.

We understand environmental impact improvement to include, among others:

  • Minimization of emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases.

  • Improvement of energy efficiency of our facilities.

  • Reduction of resource consumption.

  • Reduction of consumption of fuels and non-renewable energy sources.

Our efforts are verified annually through the public disclosure of key environmental performance indicators.

4. Collaboration with Stakeholders

We engage with our employees, regulators, customers, suppliers, communities, authorities, and other stakeholders to enhance our understanding of environmental requirements and expectations. Stakeholder input is considered and reflected in our Environmental Compliance Management System and in our operations, products, and services. We are committed to providing transparent and reliable information in our dialogue and reporting to our stakeholders.

5. Continuous Improvement

As part of our effort to continuously improve the environmental and energy impact of our products, services, processes, and production sites, we implement the internationally recognized and third-party-verified Environmental Compliance Management System, which integrates environmental requirements into our key business processes and decision-making. Furthermore, our own Environmental Compliance Management System is subject to continuous improvement. Key environmental parameters, such as energy efficiency and performance, are established and pursued with objectives to continuously improve our performance. We rely on our global network of subject matter experts to identify and transfer best practices in technology and environmental management. We remain at the forefront of emerging environmental developments in areas of regulation, science, technology, and stakeholder expectations to meet or exceed our commitments.