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Terms and conditions


SEAT METROPOLIS LAB BARCELONA, S.A. (hereinafter, "SEAT:CODE") is a Spanish company, with registered offices in Martorell (Barcelona), Autovía A-2, Km. 585, provided with Tax Identification Number (NIF) A66928367, duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona in volume number 45763, folio 199 and sheet B-498214 and whose contact email address is

SEAT:CODE is the owner or licensee of the intellectual property rights or any other kind of the website (hereinafter, the "Website").

These Terms of Use (the "Terms of Use") govern your access and use of the website, including all content and services available on the Website. Any person who accesses this website and uses the materials contained therein, will be considered a user (hereinafter, the "User" or "Users") and expressly, automatically and voluntarily accepts without reservation the current general conditions at the time of access to it, as well as the specific conditions that may be applicable.

By expressly accepting these Terms of Use, the User declares:

That the User has read and understands what is expressed herein.

That the User assumes all the obligations established herein.

In case of not agreeing with all or part of these Terms of Use, the User must refrain from using the website.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the Website is to offer Users an informative platform on the latest industrial developments. monitoring tool that the company SEAT:CODE offers as well as the new projects in which it participates, among other information of interest to Users.

The use of the Website implies acceptance and compliance with these Terms of Use.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of the Website (including, among others, its information, texts, data, graphics, designs, software, trademarks, and other contents of the Website) are owned by SEAT:CODE and/or its licensors. Therefore, its use, reproduction, transmission, transformation, distribution, communication, extraction, reuse, exploitation, or use of any Nature is prohibited, by any means or process, of the Website and/or its elements by Users.

SEAT:CODE grants Users a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable right to use the Website in its current version, which shall be subject to the rest of the terms included in the these Terms of Use, as well as to any other applicable terms of use and legislation. The user is only authorized to view and obtain a temporary private copy of the contents for their personal and exclusive private use on their computer systems (software and hardware) but is not authorized for their transfer to third parties.

Users acknowledge and accept that the use of the Website does not imply the transfer in their favor of any intellectual or industrial property rights, such as copyright, trademarks, designs, or other rights over the Website or any of its parts, except for the limited use license granted to Users for their use of the website under the terms provided herein.

Users grant SEAT:CODE a non-exclusive, unlimited, integral, transferable, free, and sublicensable license. right over any non-personal data or data from which personal references have been removed (anonymous data).

Third-party Links

These Terms of Use refer solely to the SEAT:CODE website and its contents, and do not apply to links or third-party websites accessible through the website.

The destinations of such links are not under the control of SEAT:CODE, so SEAT:CODE is not responsible for the content of any linked website, or of any link included in a website accessed from the website, or any changes or updates to such pages.

Consequently, SEAT:CODE will not assume any responsibility derived from them. If other IT networks or By accessing resources, the User undertakes to comply with the provisions of the corresponding privacy regulations. policies and terms of use.

These links are provided exclusively to offer the User information on a specific topic, news projects, services as well as access to the contracting of the services in question, among others. Their inclusion on the Website does not imply that SEAT:CODE approves the linked website.

Modifications to the Terms of Use and the Website

SEAT:CODE reserves the right to modify or update these Terms of Use at any time, as well as any type of information that may appear on the Website.


The User agrees not to misuse the Website. In particular, the User agrees not to perform the following actions:

  • Activities contrary to current law, to these Terms of Use, to morality, to good customs, or to established public order, or for illegal, prohibited, or harmful purposes to the rights and interests of SEAT:CODE or third parties. In particular, actions that infringe industrial rights and/or intellectual property rights or trade secrets of third parties, or in general any content that does not own, in accordance with applicable law, the right to make it available to a third party.

  • Use the Website or any part of it on other private or commercial websites, as well as make commercial use of it; or establish hyperlinks to the Website or any of its contents (unless expressly authorized in writing by SEAT:CODE).

  • Alter, copy, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, license, lease, sell or imitate the Website or its contents.

  • Introduce, store, or disseminate through the Website any program, data, virus, code, or any other electronic or physical device that may cause damage to it, to any of the services, or to any of the equipment, systems, or networks of SEAT:CODE, any other User, or, in general, any third party.

In addition, the User undertakes to provide truthful information about the data requested in the forms provided on the Website to access certain contents or services offered, and to keep them updated. SEAT:CODE reserves the right, without prejudice to other legal measures available, to withdraw, deny, or suspend access to the Website if the data provided are or could be false, inaccurate, or misleading. The User is fully responsible for (i) any data or content transferred or communicated to SEAT:CODE, and (ii) any damage or loss arising from their improper use.

In case of violation of these Terms of Use, the rights of third parties or applicable law and, in particular, the commitments provided for in this clause, SEAT:CODE will retain all other additional commitments rights that may correspond to the User, especially those relating to the initiation of criminal proceedings or civil proceedings.

Media and PR communication

For the purposes of these Terms of Use and for any necessary communication between SEAT:CODE and the User, they must be addressed by email to

Notice of Incidents and Possible Violations

SEAT:CODE respects the rights of third parties and applicable law. The User of this The website is required to do the same.

If any technical incident occurs on the Website, or if errors, inaccuracies, or illegal content are found in any of the sections, immediately contact SEAT:CODE by sending an email to

In this case, SEAT:CODE will require the following information:

  • Identification data of the person suspected of illegal use;

  • A description/mention of the content in question and where it is located;

  • If there are entries of Users suspected of a violation of Intellectual and Industrial Property rights or privacy rights, the following information is requested: a description of the alleged infringement of rights, location of the illicit content, evidence of ownership of the rights, as well as full and correct name, address, and contact details of the complainant.

Upon receipt of the notification, SEAT:CODE reserves the right to immediately block the entry in question.


SEAT:CODE is not responsible for damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns, and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system or in the computers and computer equipment of the Users, due to causes beyond the control of SEAT:CODE, which prevent or delay navigation on the Website, or delays or blocks in use caused by deficiencies or overloads on the Internet or in other electronic systems, or the impossibility of providing the service or allowing access due to causes not attributable to SEAT:CODE, on behalf of the User, third parties or force majeure.

However, SEAT:CODE declares that it has adopted and will adopt, as the case may be, all necessary measures within its possibilities and the state of technology, to ensure the proper functioning of the Website and to prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.

SEAT:CODE reserves the right to interrupt access to the Website at any time and without prior notice, either for technical, security, control, maintenance, power outage, or for any other reason. SEAT:CODE does not generally control the use that Users make of the Website.

SEAT:CODE is not responsible for the use that the User makes of the content of the Website that may constitute a violation of any type of national or international norm, intellectual or industrial property rights, or any other rights of third parties.

SEAT:CODE is not responsible for errors or omissions that the content thereof or others that can be accessed through them may suffer. SEAT:CODE is not responsible for any damage that may arise from the use of the website, nor for any action taken based on the information provided therein.

SEAT:CODE does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents, or files of the Website user. Consequently, SEAT:CODE is not liable for damages and losses that such elements may cause to the User or third parties.

SEAT:CODE reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions to defend its interests, as well as to temporarily suspend accessibility to the website without prior notice for maintenance, repair, update, or improvement.

Privacy Policy

SEAT:CODE and the companies that process data on behalf and on behalf of SEAT:CODE must protect your personal data and use them only when permitted by law or when you have given your consent. More information on the processing of your personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy.

Cookies and Similar Technologies Policy

What are cookies? Cookies are files that store and retrieve information about the user's browsing habits. The information obtained is related, for example, to the number of pages visited, the language, the place from which access is made, the number of new users, the frequency and recurrence of visits, their duration, the browser or the computer from which the visit is made, or the application is running.

Where will my data be transferred to? You can obtain more information about international transfers made by third parties identified in this cookie policy in the policies of these third parties.

For any other information from article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including data subject rights, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Independence and Integration of Clauses

The illegality, nullity, or ineffectiveness of any of the clauses of these Terms of Use will not affect the effectiveness of the rest, as long as the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from the Terms of Use are not fundamentally affected. “Fundamentally” means any situation that seriously damages the interests of any of the parties, or that affects the very object of these Terms of Use. These clauses must be replaced or integrated with other clauses that, being in accordance with the law, respond to the purpose of those replaced. The parties waive any claim for damages that may be requested due to this circumstance.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Access to the Website implies the User's acceptance of the provisions of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not view or use the website.

These Terms of Use are governed by Spanish common law. Any dispute that may arise as a result of the use of the website or these Terms of Use will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).

The User, in case of acting as a consumer, may also submit any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms of Use to an alternative dispute resolution procedure ("ADR"). The list of ADR platforms available at the European Commission can be found at the following link:

© SEAT METROPOLIS LAB BARCELONA, S.A. 2024. Total or partial reproduction is not allowed. All rights reserved.